These links are all either friendly sites that have linked to us or other sites that are related to Quakers, peace, environment or social concerns.
Northampton Friends Meeting / Lady Zinnia / School Library Net
Bread Not Bombs / Sojourners / Engaged Buddhism / Thomas Merton Center / National Wildlife Federation / Nature Conservancy / Child Reach / Call to Renewal / Trust for Public Lands / the Hunger Site / Amnesty International / Amnesty USA / RainForest Action Network / Environmental News Network / UU Service Committee / WorldCitizen / John WorldPeace / Defenders of Wildlife / Earth First / GreenPeace / Friends of Earth / Nature Conservancy / Shambala Reserve / Tibet Aid / CivilRights / Do Something! / Food Friends / GLAAD / Idealist / So Others Might Eat / Volunteer Match / Simple Living Alternatives / Adopt a MineField / Amazon Watch / American Friends Service Committee / PeaceMakers / Essential Action / ACLU / Habitat for Humanity / Environmental Conservation Books / Social Activism Books / Dharma Gate
NEW LONDON FRIENDS MEETINGFacts about Friends / Contemplative Quakerism / Quaker Information Center / / Friends Assoc. for Higher Ed. / Quaker Info / American Friends Service Committee / Friends General Conference / Friends United Meeting / Quaker Universalist Fellowship or Quaker Universalist Fellowship / Evangelical Friends / Earlham College / Friends for Gay and Lesbian Concerns / Friends Journal / Friends Committee on Unity with Nature / New England Yearly Meeeting / Quaker Literature at Amazon / Friends Camp, Maine