
Lotus Center
lotus center

the Photography, Poetry and Art of Anthony Baldwin

HOME - about me
What is Dharma?.

Look at these photos:

Flowers, Gardens, Scenery, etc.:

Roses - Daffodils- Fuschias - Playground- Autumn - Sunsets - SunFlowers





Butterflies - Frog - Squirrel

Black & White (some hand-colored):

Daffodil - Carnival - Kwan Yin - Magin - Rhianna - BlueGrass Country - Red Balloon

How can I help?

Digital Images:

NEW Angels - Angels - Kwan Yin- Castle 1- Castle ll - Cosmos - Peace Flag

angels by the sea

Graphics for You to use:

Daffodil Set - Angel Adoptions - Sunflower Set
NEW! More Angels (complete linkware set, adoptions, wall paper, more)

Look at these drawings:

Mandalas-(benefits National Wildlife Federation) - Mandala 2-(benefits Tibetan refugees)

view my recent art work at my deviantart gallery.

Read these poems:

Honking- Return - Sonnet 18 (a parody) - Ripples - Nuts - Ode to WS- Further- Daffy Haiku- FireWater!

NEW! Awards I've won! / Compassion Quilt / WebRings

What's new?! / my deviantart gallery / my UU Chalice art / my livejournal art & photo blog.
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